Welcome to Forest Data Bank.

Forest Data Bank (BDL) Web Portal Terms of Use

The use of information resources available at the internet site www.bdl.lasy.gov.pl means the acceptance, with no constraint and objections, of this BDL Web Portal Terms of Use.


For the purpose of the Terms of Use, the following terms will have the following meaning:

  1. Terms of Use - the present rules, the scope and conditions of use of the internet website www.bdl.lasy.gov.pl data resources;

  2. The Forest Data Bank for forests of all ownership types hereinafter referred to as ‘BDL’ - established by the State Forests National Forest Holding and maintained by the Bureau for Forest Management and Geodesy as a central point providing access to the databases on forest resources and the state of forests in Poland access, determined by the Forest Act of 28 Septemeber 1991, Art.13a, paragraph 1, item 3, as accessible in full scope of themes and territorial views at the internet address www.bdl.lasy.gov.pl;

  3. BDL data resource - a set of natural and spatial data presenting the state of forests of all ownership types;

  4. Metadata -information which describes spatial datasets and spatial data services; the metadata helps find, categorise and use these datasets and services.

  5. Administration institution - a government administrative authority, or a local government unit, or other body established by law or legally authorized by agreements to execute public tasks on environmental issues.

  6. Service Provider - the Bureau for Forest Management and Geodesy maintaining BDL (Forest Data Bank).

  7. Service Recipient, hereinafter referred to as the User -a natural or legal person, or any organisational unit with no legal personality which is using BDL resources.

I. Informacje ogólne

  1. The access to BDL data and services is determined by the following regulations:
  • a. The Act on the Access to Public Information of 6 Sptember 2001.

  • b. The Act on Providing Information on the Environment and Environmental Protection, Public Participation in Environmental Protection and on Environmental Impact Assessment of 3 October 2008.

  • c. The Act on Environment Protection of 16 April 2004.

  • d. The Act on Forests of 28 September 1991.

  1. The following Terms of Use determine the rules, scope and conditions of use of the internet website www.bdl.lasy.gov.pl resources by the following:
  • a. the Users.

  • b. other Administration institutions.

  1. The User is obliged to acknowledge the provisions of the Terms of Use bylaw regulations before accessing BDL resources. Confirmation of reading Terms of Use is legally equal to the User’s official statement of comprehending and accepting its provisions.

  2. The User and other administration institutions are obliged to use BDL resources in accordance with the present law, social and moral standards and the provisions of the Terms of Use.

II. Types and scope of provided services

  1. Data services accessible in BDL are as follows:

  • a. searching service - searching the reports and spatial data services on the basis of the corresponding metadata and enabling to display this metadata content,

  • b. browsing service - displaying, navigating, zooming in and out, moving or overlapping the imaged datasets as well as displaying carthographical symbols and metadata content,

  • c. report sharing service– searching, generating, displaying and recording pre-defined reports.

III. Conditions/terms of use for the data and services by the Users

  1. Access to the services referred to in chapter II is public and free of charge.

  2. The BDL data resouorces BDL are accessible only on conditions determined by the 3 October 2008 Act on Providing Information on the Environment and Environmental Protection, Public Participation in Environmental Protection and on Environmental Impact Assessment (within the scope of information on the environment and its protection) and the 6 Septemeber 2001 Act on Access to Public Information (concerning other public information).

  3. The data presented on map services is illustrative only and cannot be treated as an official document. They cannot be the basis for any administrative or official tasks.

IV. Conditions/terms of use the data and services by the Administration institutions

  1. Access to the services referred to in chapter II is public and free of charge.

  2. The access to spatial datasets is free of charge for other administration bodies within the obligatory scope of their public activities.

  3. The data may be used only by this Administration institution to which the actual access has been granted.
  4. The data presented on map services is illustrative only and cannot be treated as an official document. They cannot be the basis for any administrative or official tasks.

V. Terms of re-use of the information published on the BDL website

  1. The User and any other entity who uses the information provided by BDL website is obliged:

  • a. to inform about the source, the time of creating and accessing public sector information,

  • b. to forward unprocessed information to other users,

  • c. The Service provider bears no legal responsibility for re-use of information published in BDL as permitted by and in accordance with applicable law. The Service provider bears no responsibility for the accuracy, timeliness and completeness of the website resources the access to which may be granted via BDL portal.

  1. The use of information made available in the BDL portal by entities other than administrative bodies performing public duties is subject to the rules on the re-use of public information contained in the Act on Access to Public Information.

VI. Technical conditions of using the data and services

  1. In order to properly use BDL resources is the following are required:
  • a. Internet connection,

  • b. The device that allows access to the Internet, including an application to browse its resources (a web browser: Internet Explorer 9 or later, Mozilla Firefox 12 or later) accepting cookies and Java Script.

  1. When using BDL resources it is prohibited to use software viruses or other harmful computer codes, scripts or programs that disrupt, destroy or limit either the operation of BDL or technical infrastructure related to it, or otherwise enable unauthorized use or access to BDL technical infrastructure.

VII. Additional information

For further clarification or information related to the content of these Terms of Use, please contact by e-mail to the email address: bdl@bdl.lasy.gov.pl.

VIII. Final provisions

  1. These Terms of Use shall apply from the date of publication, i.e. 1 January 2013.

  2. These Terms of Use are accessible free of charge and can be downloaded, copied and printed.

  3. In matters not regulated by the provisions of Terms of Use, the current law will be applied. Operating the BDL portal is a public task as determined by the provisions of the Act on Forests, Art. 13a, paragraph 1, item 3. Operating the BDL and the sharing the information contained therein does not constitute providing services by electronic means as determined in the Act on Providing Services by Electronic Means. The Service Provider does not bear any legal responsibility for the lack of access to the BDL portal for reasons beyond the Service Provider.

  4. The Service Provider, due to safety reasons and any other reasons beyond the Service Provider, has the right to suspend temporarily access to BDL for the period necessary to remedy the circumstances.

  5. Subject to limitations resulting from the provisions of law, the Service Provider is not liable for damages arising in connection with BDL, its use or in connection with malfunctions, errors, shortages, disturbances, defects, delays in data transmission, computer viruses, line failure or the information system or the Users not complying with the Terms of Use.

  6. These Terms of Use may be changed at any time and within any scope. The changes are effective starting from the date of their publication on the BDL website.

  7. BDL as a website may contain links to websites administered by other operators.

  8. The User may use links to other than BDL internet resources on his/her own risk.